Friday, April 23, 2010

where is the line and who drew it?

Do you ever have times that feel like moments of revelation (like if you were a living animation a light bulb would appear shining brightly above your head), but then the minute you become aware of what's just dawned on you you feel silly? You feel silly because you realise you actually knew that thing all along and infact it's not such an amazing surprise? (therein lies the real surprise - that you were so silly to forget in the first place?!) Am I making any sense?

Well anyway I just had one of those "ha ha I'm idiot not-such-a-revelation revelations" upon seeing these photos of Zuzana Kubickova's creations.... FASHION IS ART.

I understand there are an infinite number of arguments against this, and I'm not going to get into a big rant debating my side of things here right now, but basically I think that seeing as how art is so ridiculously subjective then I'm a perfect genius in my revelation!

Look at Kubickova's sculptural designs, I hope you can see how beautiful they are to look at and how they're an example of the impossibility of defining genres and trying to allocate different things into these extremely narrow and restricting categories... Because what is art if not a thing of beauty...?

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