Sunday, April 4, 2010


Once upon a time I organised a surprise party for my sister's 16th. It didn't really turn out so well as she saw everybody through the window on her way in... But last night we surprised the shizz out of John by throwing him a surprise birthday party so after three false alarms, a deafening roar of frantic ssshhhhhs, and a big BOO, we had the times.

and this is what I wore:

Cardigan: Beyond Retro. Tank top and skirt: H&M. Belt: from a dress I had when I was 5 or 6... Necklace: borrowed from Issy

Today was consequently a blurry, dressing gown enveloped, couch day. Toasted tuna sandwiches, buckets of tea and a television that for some reason has turned everything purple, including the beautiful Miss Hepburn

and on a final, unrelated, note of chipped nailpolish - so many lovely summery seaside colours, so few fingers...

Nouvelle Vague. Riviera. Mistral.
By Peter Philips for Chanel.


  1. I think you should have put in another space between the writing above the nail polish picture and the picture..

  2. Is the header new? I love it anyways :) Oh my your haircut is so gorgeous! I adore the way it flicks out a little...!

    Love love love,


