Monday, September 19, 2011

milk, no sugar

I love going for coffee by myself actually there are a lot of things I like doing by myself but anyway it's like when I was small I used to love going to the library to sit and read for hours but now (because I'm grown up) I can do it in a cafe, which is better because it smells nicer, it's usually brighter and there's less of a feeling of seriousness about the place. And, best of all, I don't have to worry about staying for too long because if I do stay too long and get hungry I don't have to close my book or put down my pen I can simply order some food and keep on going! And now that I'm again working in a coffee shop and see people perusing their newspapers it makes it so hard to be the other side of the counter! Which is why on Saturday on my day off I went out to hide away and do a few of the things on my list of things to do (which coincidentally included writing a list of things to do) And so that's how I spent my morning, mid-day, early afternoon, and....then I got fidgety and headed homeward.
Attending to my snail-mail correspondence and penning a thank you card I felt a little like a modern day pre-Raphaelite drawing inspiration from the birds and the trees... although my lacking of creative integrity may be working to my disadvantage in proposing this claim oh to hell with it I'll just say it's postmodern and be done with it.

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