Today around 5pm I noticed something was different... What was up?... IT WAS STILL BRIGHT OUTSIDE hurrah for the coming to an end of wintertime! At last, the dark dreary evenings are drawing to a close and I can look forward to endless days and long summer nights of fun fun fun. Waking up at 7am without it feeling like the most unnatural thing in the world, going to sleep at a bedtime that doesn't matter because your body clock isn't in hibernation mode slowing down by six pm. Lying in the grass doing absolutely nothing whilst forgetting to worry about all the studying you should be doing. And going out almost every night because it's just so easy to! Gone is the effort of having to brave the shivers of getting dressed up then drag yourself out of doors further into Siberea, and come has the time of finding abounding adventures after hours because everybody knows it's too nice of a night to go home yet
I'm feeling along the lines of this:

and this

What's that you say? I'm getting carried away with myself? Ptish, stuff and nonsense

See, these guys know what I'm talking about
oh yeah!!!

Lets look to pretty things in nature for inspiration for our summer wardrobes:

Or when all else fails, there's always good old TOPSHOP

are you feeling it?

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