When one stack of cereal boxes, two pritt sticks, three lots of shiny paper, four scissors and five friends gather to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas and make decorations to put Kirstie Allsopp to shame, these are the results:

Using a borrowed camera that I hadn't an idiot's idea how to use, I have photos everyone's art. And although it wasn't a competition I think a unanimous winner's prize was inadvertently awarded to Jack and his massive efforts. He worked away in his corner with hardly a peep out of him all evening, until he unveiled his work with a creepy cry of "hoe hoe hoe I'm coming down your chimney" from his cardboard construction

And because thrifty is nifty and wasting not is wanting not (remember we are in a recession here) I used leftovers to make some cards to send to friends in the snail mail.
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