I'm a self-confessed magpie when it comes to charity shop shopping (or "thrifting" as the cool kids say) because my impulsive consumer spending traits coupled with my lifelong belief that one man's trash is another man's treasure renders me vulnerable to the potential wonders of the find at the end of the hunt. What then could that mean if I pay my first ever visit to TK Maxx in search of Christmas presents? Well, it meant handing over money for mini bun tins and a big box of postcards. For myself. Forget family and friends, I saw, I wanted and I bought.

Honestly though, who couldn't be excited by these beautiful books? Even if only their covers. And did you know the original publishings were colour coded? Like the purple-and-white stripe was for essays or belle-lettres, and orange-and-white were general fiction. Penguin classics paperbacks of today are far from my favourite, but oh, the hardcover classics are an altogether different story.

Elated by my selfish buy I then began imagining if I was a Penguin book come to life as a human for the Spring how I would dress myself... Cool aesthetic, clear cut simple designs, classic block colours and the intermittent ornamental pattern? Check check checkitty check.

Jaeger, Dries Van Noten, Dries Van Noten, Prada. SS2012 RTW.
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