Eat, drink and be merry. The simple secret to a happy life (and to think of what GPs get paid to pen prescriptions in the attempt of alleviating patient's ails...)
Well as I'm a wise woman I adhere to these three small rules and my days are wonderful things because of it. Thus having been very merry yesterday with my egocentric purchases I couldn't wait to carry on the contented feeling and headed to the kitchen to put my brand new mini muffin tin to use.

I think it really helped that it was one of the first days in absolutely ages that wasn't grey and dreary and clouded by a depressing drizzle but my mood was fantabulous and made even more so when mother found me bumbling away in a big sloppy mess of icing as I was trying to funnel icing from home-made parchment paper cones and failing rather superbly. The expected scorn never fell from her lips but instead she revealed a secret so surprising - she had, in the cupboard, granny's old icing piper!

Trickier to control than you would think, I squeezed out blobs upon coils of unappealing icing before finally managing to get a few that didn't look too terribly like poo. And then had myself a well-deserved Sophie Dahl-esque moment of Mmmming..... Mmm..........
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