Ye Olde Christmas spirit of selection boxes, day-long games of monopoly, Santa-filled stockings and tins of roses loses it's charm as the years go by and the festive season becomes yet another excuse for a great big drinking session. This year Donal had the idea to try and re-ignite some of the wonder of the holidays for us wandering in the abyss of our twenties by putting on a Nativity Play. There was only one female role, that of the Holy Virgin Mary, and I was surely not up to filling this part so instead I volunteered my styling skills and was appointed official wardrobe mistress. Three crowns for the kings were made with my new favourite tool - the stapler.

A missing bottle of PVA glue led to my discovering the versatility of stationary devices and came in handy for last-minute panic over the Angel Gabriel's robes. It was a classic primary school style costume - cutting a hole in a net curtain and attaching a length of tinsel; easy peasy.
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