One of the things I had sort of contemplated doing was to stop blogging. This is partly because one concern I hold is in relation to the inordinate amount of time spent on the internet. The internet is a beautiful thing - unlimited access to endless amounts of information (perfect for self bettering by way of gaining knowledge)However it's worrying how frequently this is taken for granted and I see it as a sort of insulting abuse of our own intelligence when people use it so passively. For example, the Facebook habit; too many people spending too much time on something with too little substance. And so as this concern links to my concern of my blog being pure waffle, I hate to thing that I could be helping to fuel the predicament of world wide web wastefulness.
But then I though fuck it I can't change the way the world works, I mean there's about a hundred years of Coronation Street damage done already and nobody's complaining, so why not fritter away a few minutes of some people's time talking about my goings ons. I like doing it and even if nobody else ever takes anything from the finished output I still gain from the process and hey, guess what, that sounds a bit like art... Plus, this afternoon I watched a video called Julie & Julia where this girl Julie hates her job but loves cooking so starts a blog and sets herself a challenge to cook all the recipes in a famous cookbook by a lady called Julia in 365 days. This inspired me because A - Julie ends up getting lots of free food presents sent to her by blog followers and B - Julia wrote the cookbook in the first place because she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life but knew she enjoyed cooking so decided to spend every day doing what she liked... Perhaps this can also come true for me - people will start posting me balls of wool and really nice inky black pens, and I'll end up publishing an arts and crafts book.
Hmm what else, well now here's a somewhat relevant story from the not so distant past: cue closing of the pub / bar / club (what exactly is the Roisin selling itself as anyways?)and my picking up on a nearby party. We bypass the ping pong tournament and I'm in the kitchen conversing with the man of the house who mid-sentence discovers a large white sports sock in his pocket. I use my pen to draw on a sad face and continue to talk as though it's perfectly normal to wear sock puppets on your hands when there's no Punch and Judy show nearby. I am then told that I'm just like the Gilmore Girls - quote unqoute: "a whole lot of talk and a whole little sense."
Do empty vessels make the most noise? Should I be offended? Surely it's not small talk if not's about the weather...
In other news I started knitting on Christmas Eve with a ball of such soft wool, but then the ball ran out and I couldn't get another as I had bought it in Clonmel and won't be that way again for some time. Thus instead of the lovely long scarf I had hoped for I stitched the ends together and have been wearing this circular scarf-style contraption the past few days

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