Ah for all the shits and the giggles I'm a bit of a loser. I think knitting's cool - hey kids, don't do drugs and don't smoke cigarettes, do arts and crafts and stay in school! YEAH! that's right, being high on life is megawesomeous! You know that kick you get from a good game of chess?! Well you can have that every day if you live the right way!!!!
I ♥ MMORPG, WoW rulz 4eva ZOMG

Okay so there's losers and then there's losers, so maybe I'm just a lamebot who gets very excited over less-cool-than-average stuff... This year the best Christmas present I got was from my sister - it was pyjamas, a book and a ball of wool. And no I'm not sixty years old thank you all the same. (Are you putting the kettle on? I'd love a cup of tea and a custard cream...) However, this was no ordinary ball of wool; it was huge, it was massive, it was utterly ginormous! And it was grey! My new favourite colour. Which isn't such a good thing when you have a wardrobe filled with an assortment of crazily patterned mixed up colourful vintage clothes but find yourself each morning wanting only to wear something from the black family *sigh*... Welll what I did with said wool was to knit a plain and simple scarf, that ended up being ridiculously long but wonderfully lovely. Then I had more wool left over so I made a matching hat. Now I still have more wool left over but I'm going to save that for a rainy day.

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