*Achoo... I hab a cold. Stupid snot and sniffles, sinuses and shivers, kleenex and lemsips, I'm under the weather and the weather's not good. Everyone in the house has been sick the past week and now I've got it too. Poo.

Today I'm on the couch watching an obscene amount of the Gilmore Girls, but yesterday it was only sneaking up on me in my ears and nose so we went to town as it was Aisling's birthday and the postman had brought her lots of cards bearing lots of money. On our way out we played a game of 'I'm a blogger y'all and this is what I wore today' photography, minus the I-take-this-too-seriously-but-am-trying-to-pretend-like-I-don't, intentionally-over-pigeon-toed poses. And came home with purchases amounting to a grand total of two pairs of earrings. The last of the big spenders.
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