Perhaps I'm a miserable old scrooge but christmas day in my house feels like a painfully drawn out game of charades. Oh we must all do this x now because it it dictated to us be the norms of yuletide, now let us all be bored out of our bonkers doing this other y pretending to enjoy it whilst wishing to be anywhere else doing anything else. Bah humbug I won't bore you with my family fuck ups / I'd rather try and forget about them rather than waste more breath on ranting / lets talk a little fashion...
I dressed myself this morning in a loose fitting dress over which I wore a loose fitting jumper. Remember that Thanksgiving episode of Friends where Joey wears Phoebe's pregnancy pants in order to attempt eating an entire turkey? Well that's me.

See? Fantastically flippity flappity shapeless side profile : ) Well, my lovely loose jumper was bought in H&M in Edinburgh when I was over there a fortnight ago all because of the elbows

Look! Suede patches! Aren't they lovely? Indeed, Scott Schuman certainly seems to think so
images from The Sartorialist
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