1. I am not a boy
2. Sometimes I like to dress like some boys do
3. Today I wore a shirt with a scarf fashioned as a dickie bow.

To recap: Today I wore a shirt and a bow; it may have looked a bit boyish... This is a truth which I understand.
Now let me tell you of something, something else:
Today I saw a review of New Power Studio from London Fashion Week. This is a truth that I am not so sure I understand...
New Power Studio is a London based menswear label and for all intents and purposes their MAN collection gets two thumbs up from my good self as I think it's hilariously clever. But if I wasn't a girl and I was looking to for something new to wear for Spring 2011 I'm honestly not so sure their collection would be my first port of call. However I'm not shopping so hurrah it's a collection that tells the story of how Pop Culture was bored sitting at home one night, mindlessly clicking on one You Tube video after the next, staring passively at the screen with his mind half turned off, bzzzzz... bzzzzz.... until the semi-conscious half became painfully fed up being on stand-by and decided that tonight was a night where not only would the lights be on, but there would indeed be somebody home. Bam. Action. Zap. Pow. Pop Culture was alive and kicking. Bursting with energy he raced toward the street looking for some fresh hot action when whom should he see standing at the pedestrian crossing, oh so casually smoking on a cigarette, but Sports Wear. Ha ha he thought as he snuck up behind him and pounced, jumping high into the air, mounting Sports Wear's unsuspecting back, flattening him to the kerb with the sheer force of the attack. Sports Wear's shock rendered him utterly helpless and had it not happened that Kitchen Sink was out taking his dog for a late walk around the block, there might not have been anyone nearby to hear him scream. But so it was, there in that instant, as Kitchen Sink came running to the rescue, all three thrashing about on the double yellow lines between the shadows from headlights of passing cars, in a comic-strip blur of elbows and fists, MAN was born.

On one hand my story may be fabricated from exaggerated untruths but on the other I do tell the truth when I say New Power Studio's collection has materialised from things equally as strange. Including eight year old boys... Oh boy...
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