Friday, October 22, 2010

an education

A coming of age story of a young girl in London. Makes me wonder what would I be like now had we never left. Strange isn't it to think of the road not taken, the one that got away.Especially, especially when it has been filmed in the area in which I used to live. Anyway in terms of reviews I'm not the one to turn to; I watched it and I liked it but after that all I know is that it's based on the protagonist's autobiography and believe it or not actually portrays her parents in a much better light than they deserve. Which is shocking considering they're painted in pretty subdued hues throughout the movie. And yes of course it takes a particular slant, focusing on a single incident in Barber's life of an affair with an older man, because that's what sells tickets anyway anyway what I wanted to ask was who was it, Britney Spears or someone, who made school girls cool? Because if you take it from Gossip Girl today through to the say Gilmore Girls way back when, uniforms are shown on screen to be pretty much on the right end of the fashion spectrum. That said I've never been cool but I've always been a library fanatic - three cheers for books hip hip hurrah I like the nerdy look, and that said I've been led here by what I wore today; a pleated skirt and a bag which was a birthday present from my mum. Oh academia, how I miss you so

1 comment:

  1. ADORE this outfit!very inspiring!

    love kerry

