She's the style icon of all the girls I know whom I think dress really well. Which isn't all that surprising because she's just so... normal. Beautiful and ridiculously stylish but at the same time seems like if you met her she'd say hello. (although if I saw her coming I'd presumably fall over in a faint before she got the chance) It's probably the tomboy thing in her, puts her as the sexy boy next door not the intimidating slutty dreamboat from the next street over.
She has said herself of how she gets dressed: "Sometimes I've seen someone rad in the street or I try to assemble my version of their outfit. Sometimes it's just what's clean and attainable."
See... Totally normal.

In November's ELLE she's shot by David Vasiljevic and does plain jane so well that I wonder why I even try? From now on I shall dress only in black and white and speak only in Ode to Chung.
I wonder how she'd feel if she knew someone referred to her as the "sexy boy next door"?!