I had an incredible red coloured yarn that made me happy in the way raw beetroot does and was waiting for ages to get around to knitting something special with it. For myself. Because, in the words of my good friend Andrew "if I don't treat myself, who will?" (Also, side note on raw beetroot - recipe for salad with pear and feta YUM thank you Jamie Oliver...)

But then I had a dark grey in my knitting basket. And that went nicely with the red too. Like dark chocolate and cherries. Hmm. What to do?
The curse of Goldilocks! A predicamentus maximus. I had red and cream. And cream and grey. And grey and cream. All three to tempt me. Oh no, what to do, what to do?
Elementary. I should leave none and weave all the lovely lovelies into a yummy scrummy snuggly snoody scarf. And my story ends without my being chased by bears. Excellent.

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