How super cool a day was yesterday for all the ten year olds of the world whose birthday it was? Imagine, turning 11 on 11/11/11. Woah and if any amongst them had been born at 11.11 o'clock. All the timing of my birth gave me was the grace of 14 minutes. Born at 11.46pm I narrowly missed being a Tuesday's child and consequently am supposed to be "fair of face" although time has brought me to overcome the initial disillusionment experienced from this hocus pocus prophecy and I'm probably a whole lot less upset about it than the children who didn't wake up without their most desired super power yesterday. They must be feeling about as cheated as the time they found out Santa isn't real. Shhh, I didn't say it...
Well, being the grown up that I am and believing in the overtly tangible aspects of my days I had a great day yesterday with an evening spent as Super Sushi Ninja MiMi. We set out with fresh fish, sharp knives, sticky fingers and rumbling tummies. One burnt saucepan, one bottle of wine and one minor inter-sibling altercation later our make-it-yourself dinner party was in full swing.

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