Can you believe it was my birthday? Gee whizz, ooh golly gosh I'm getting on in years. And running behind schedule in my life plan... but we'd better not dwell on that too much or I'll add even more wrinkles to my creased brow. Anyway, in true old-folk style I had an unpartyish party where we sat at the kitchen table eating cake and playing board games. Hurrah for not spending my first day of my 24th year hungover!

I got some really lovely little presents from my friends and they made me so so happy. And then as I wasn't too busy being hungover I was able to finish the birthday present I started making for Jenny last week and make a note-to-self that no matter how great the thought (because it's the thought that counts) beginning work on a gift for someone when their birthday is already over means it's going to be a seriously belated belated birthday present, and that's not really very thoughtful at all.

Said belated bloop are the above mittens and I sent them with fingers crossed that they fit. Not even like a glove, I just hope they fit full stop.
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