Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Food for eating
I've just typed "food for thought" into Google to see what comes up and the number one answer is a link to a ub40 song. That internet, full of surprises! And now I'm distracted from what I was going to write about. A bit about lunchtime, actually I do remember how I first became aware that there are people who take food very seriously about two years ago when I worked with a raw-foodist. Although I do think it a bit extreme, the parts like using suppositories and making tea from nettles by infusing leaves in cold water for days, as well as being impractical at times (finding something suitable on a restaurant's menu must be impossible) I also think it's wonderful because it really is the best way to consume fruit and vegetables giving you the most energy and nutritional benefits and leaves you feeling great and with good skin too. Then I moved to France (and ate a lot of almost-raw meat) and learned how to eat a big meal in the middle of the day and a smaller one in the evening which is fantastic as you're filled with fuel for the afternoon and avoid the 4pm picking at biscuits phase, and then wind down slowly at nightfall because you don't have a belly full of potatoes. And then I Wwoofed and have since spent more money on groceries than my budget should really allow for by becoming a snob in terms of trying to buy only organic and Irish produce. Because what's the point in eating five portions of fruit and veg a day to protect you from getting cancer when each piece of said fruit or veg when it's mother plant has been sprayed with a variety of chemicals numerous times a day since it was a seedling so in fact it's so carcinogenic it's surprising it isn't radioactive? Or that it's been flown half way across the world, spreading even more toxins onto the fields of crops below oh lord what is the world coming to at all at all? God bless us what is this post coming to at all at all ah yes a series of images from my lunch which originally came from inspiration from the bird image on my mug of tea but got sidetracked by my prattling on about something that would never have been thought of had I simply shoved a frozen pizza in the oven
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