Since writing my post yesterday I keep thinking about loafers; I think it's cabin fever setting in that I can't get them off my mind, not that I can keep my mind on much right now really... You see I had an operation on Monday to get my wisdom teeth out and I've been couch bound all day yesterday and all day today just lying there eating Petit Filous, nodding off to sleep, waking to take some tablets, watching some television, dozing off to sleep again, a constant cycle of nothingness. Ordinarily I'm a terrible patient in that I find it so hard to sit still but it's sort of nice having nothing to worry about except whether or not I have enough pillows / baby foods / loafers. Ha ha.. What's also funny is how both meanings of the word are rather fitting to my state of being right now - there's loafers A: the lovely leather shoes I'm lusting after, and loafer B: the lazy person I've become. Anyway I've got my sister to find the pair she had last year from Topshop because I plan on wearing them on my first day of recovery out of the house; after all this slipper time my feet won't know what hit them!

I also saw this pair on the Topshop website but I'm not sure whether I properly like them or not. I don't think I look enough like a greasy middle aged Italian yacht owner to get the wear out of them if I were to actually make a purchase. I can't decide.

On the up side I feel like I'm still on my holidays having lots of time to read. I won't say quality reading time because Harry Potter isn't exactly high end literature but it's, um, my version of light entertainment, yes, that's it, it's my chic lit.
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