I'll tell you how it all began... Once upon a summertime three little girls and one little boy packed up their bags and flew to a land far far away. Known to some as New York City it was to become for them a place of hopes and dreams in the everyday. Together they lived in poverty between the walls of a derelict building in suburban Brooklyn, neighboured on the left by a piano man, and a doctor in exile on the right. If they slept it was four to a room whose floor was scarcely wider than the single mattress which lay upon it. But they were young and full of life and so spurred by the energies of the night and also the vodka, the cheap, cheap, vodka. They lived by one rule - to follow the party, wherever, whenever; although the good times had the habit of bringing them downtown to the Misshapes most weekends. It was here one night after the club closed and the crowds were beginning to dissipate that they found themselves in a limousine with their new friends Randy and Nikolay.

The two boys were models, existing on a hunter-gatherer diet of nuts, berries, and cheap, cheap vodka. And to find out what happened next I'm afraid you'll have to find my old diary and read it, because I only said I'd tell you how it all began...

However, my story isn't an irrelevant one, for I began this post with the subject intention as Kava Gorna and there I shall end, (sort of)as it was whilst googling Ms Gorna that I came across an article on designer Katie Gallagher. Katie graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design but now works and lives in Manhattan with her boyfriend Nikolay Saveliev...

Here they're photographed by Kava Gorma in a Chinatown fish market with Katie wearing a jacket and leggings both of her own creation. Her stuff is actually pretty damn amazing, look at her website here:
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