I've decided that this here lovely old blog of mine needs a bit of spicing up and what better way to do it than add an extra helping of that special magic ingredient - narcissism. For whether I like it or not the world is becoming increasingly voyeuristic at an alarming rate (For the record I can sincerely say I do not like it; the spreading "I'm not doing anything with anyone right now because I know what everybody is doing because I follow their facebook status updates which tell me they're doing absolutely nothing which is why they're updating their facebook status" mentality and the growing acceptance of said mentality scares the creeps out of me. Or also I'm scared that when people do do anything worthy of noting they feel the immediate need to make a note of it and put this piece of information out there for consumption by the general public. Whether this public cares or not is irrelevant as chances are the majority of them mindlessly skimming the feed on their home page will passivly consume a percentage of this information thus expressing minor amounts of interest in your quotidian doings and in return making you feel a bit special about yourself. Anyway yes this scares me and no there isn't actually much I can do about it; so instead I shall just have to face my fears because hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...)
That said we are now coming to you live direct from the bedroom of my wonderful self where we bring you some factual titbits of what I did today: For breakfast I ate a dish of porridge because slow release energy foods are tops. Then I cycled to work on my bike and when I got to work I did some work. At eleven o'clock we had an exciting coffee break with everyone gathering in the Admin office as one of the girls from the Finance office had baked a Victoria Sponge Sandwich cake filled with whipped cream and fresh strawberries. In the evening I read my book for a while, it's called "The Diving Bell and The Butterfly" and I hope one day to be able to read the original version. Then I went swimming in the pool and came home and decided to talk about myself and the events of my uneventful day.
And just because a post wouldn't be a proper blog post without some photographs here are two of the mug from which I drank peppermint tea whilst writing this.

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