A) Yesterday I went to the supermarket to buy some basil.
B) Yesterday I went to a cafe to buy some coffee.
C) Yesterday I went to Topshop to buy some clothes.
D) All of the above.
All facts. At a glance they're nothing unusual, they're just a few unsurprising facts from an ordinary day in the life of an ordinary girl. And they're all true; D is the correct answer. Fact. But somewhere along the way something went astray and now I'm confused and confuddled, bemused and bedazzled... I went empty handed in to A and came out with a lovely purchase. I went empty handed in to B and came out with a lovely purchase. So when I went empty handed in to C and came out with nothing other than a frown on my face I didn't know what to do. I thought I knew the algorithm (Want plus money equals happy)Had I not just twice successfully executed it? So then what was I doing wrong this time? Had Topshop failed to show me something I wanted? No that certainly wasn't it. Had I been so long without disposable income that I no longer knew what to do with it? Could it be? Had I forgotten how to shop?
This looks like a problem indeed but don't worry I know the answer (because I'm always right)You see I failed to reach the Happy part because although I had the Money part the Want part was too vague; I didn't specifically desire one thing in particular which meant I ended up wanting everything and my brain spontaneously exploded, the shock of which fooled me into thinking I wanted nothing. The full purse and the empty hands now equate.
Take a look here at some of the AW collection for Topshop and afterwards tell me your cerebral cortex didn't threaten to ignite even a little bit

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