Black looks good on Parisians. And black looks good on Swedes. It probably helps that nature is on their side giving them amazing genetic makeup, but what about the rest of us Joe Bloggs? In the gloom of the recession we are being advised to be smart about how we dress, sensible investment pieces and key wardrobe items that are versatile before they are anything else. And black is always a safe option, it’s timeless and it looks good day or night.
But like I said, it’s a little bit dark.
Our Celtic Tiger was like the Roaring Twenties, all round wealth, success, good times. Then in 1929 it came crashing to a halt with Black Thursday. Dun dun duhhhh... A day after which Elsa Schiaparelli sent shockwaves through the world of fashion with the launch of her extravagant fashion label, bringing eccentric designs into clothing of the time. It is she who we can thank for the colour 'hot' or 'shocking' pink as she called it; a colour “life-giving, like all the light and the birds and the fish in the world put together, a color of China and Peru but not of the West”. And with everybody weary of the pervading darkness the current economic situation is casting over society it's nice to see a bit of pink poking through the winter gloom.
Alexis Mabille

Marc Jacobs

Dolce and Gabbana

There was one coat in this collection I really don't like. I mean really don't like it. The shape reminds me of Cousin Itt from the Aadams family. Plus I think if you're going to wear fur at least WEAR FUR.What's the point in taking the life of an animal if you're only going to drown it in chemicals so it no longer resembles what you killed it for in the first place??

And we can look forward to springtime with rose tinted glasses, quite literally heehee. I love the Moschino cheap and chic collection. It's pink and features the word "shocking" on garments and a necklace, Schiaparelli would be chuffed:

I am ESPECIALLY in love with the henry oxfords, if only a prince charming would come along looking for his cinderella with a size five pair of these in his hands...

we'd live happily ever after, me and my shoes together. la la la
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