In relation to Japanese fashion the first association that always comes to mind are the Harajuku girls. I can appreciate their originality and the cultural resistance from which it formed, but it's simply not my cup of tea. I find their quirky, manga-inspired, colourful, patterned, somewhat gothic Lolita, style just a bit excessive.
So it was a pleasant surprise to find myself liking the designs of Eri Utsugi. She has taken the fun aspects of Japanese fashion and brought them to a (slightly) more mature level.

Yes there she is popping out of the stage. Heee
Her label, Mercibeaucoup, is run under the Issey Miyake company and yeah, it's cute.

really comfortable life sized dolls much?

and this is what I wore today; today being a day where I left the house only to go to the shop to buy milk and the rest of it spent feeling sorry for my hungover self
a cut-up flannelette nightdress from a charity shop over an american apparel dress with grey cable knit tights from topshop. Frilled with heart patterened lace: my very own cuteness.
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