North Yorkshire. Hello hello.
Did I ever think I would end up here? Certainly not. A place unto itself, I feel as though I have stepped back in time. Or through the wardrobe into the Narnia of England. The first two weeks of settling in were lovely as Lauren was here to hold my hand. Born and bred, after moving away then coming back for two years her time had come to move to London. My time had come to fill her shoes, to take up my first real job as a Designer. It felt like a big day, my first graduate position. My first pay check. My first rent payment with 100% my own earnings. My first deposit into a pension. I felt terribly grown up and terribly vulnerable, naive and babylike all at the same time.
During the 9-5 working day we discussed all matters of serious issues, I had a lot of learning to do in a short time frame. By evenings and weekends we had fun, making pottery, eating dinner, drinking wine, walking on the hills, taking photographs, driving across the moors, laughing and chatting and living along. Then I found myself alone with no friends but my own good self. Luckily I enjoy my own company and live a fairly analogue lifestyle, which fills any weekend time quite well.
Weekend trips away and out of this small village are an adventure. Sometimes for one, sometimes to be shared as a two. The first weekend was a date with David Hockney; I took the train to Saltaire and spent the day at Salt's Mill, loving every minute of treating myself hiding from the rain amidst his colours and drawings, the books and the gift shop, the restaurant and cafe, I had a lovely day.
The second weekend was a train to Lancaster where I met Chloe in her granny's green coat. And got back my willow tree she had been babysitting since summer. We drank good coffee, visited the super cool Supermarche, had fancy pub food, looked at books, and bought nice bread.
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