I was beginning to worry I had forgotten how to dress myself or what my style really was as I feel I've spent the past few months either in a smelly uniform or hiding huddled inside a North Face fleece and ignoring all my lovely clothes sitting patiently in my wardrobe, when along came friend Ellen to save the day. She bought me a present in a bag with a crazy pattern containing a one euro, shapeless, crazy-patterned, charity shop top.
I love when somebody sees something and can say "that is very so-and-so's style" , the importance of which seems to get a little lost in this high-street shopping sort of world of ours. And so I love this top and love that nobody else has it and love that it looks like me. And I love that one needs but the smallest of excuses (such as celebrating one's happiness at having a new top) to go out and get really drunk. I also love friend Ellen's dad who cooked us the most wonderful hangover food - fried sprats. Creepy to look at but so incredibly delicious. Honest.
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