The new Islands album is high up on my list of likes for this week. Some of the lyrics are those pukey romantic ones but sang in so happy a manner it doesnt make you cringe as you listen. Amongst my favourite is : "Kicked open a coconut, / could have shared it with anyone / but i wanted to share it with you".
We eat a lot of cow, pig, sheep. It rains cats and dogs but we don't put them on our plates. Ducks? sometimes. What about horse? Um? well i can now check the box for a grilled skewer of horse meat. Was it nice? Yes and no; tender but tasted rather like the smell of stables.
I had a visit to Naas at the weekend. It was nice to be in a family home again, for one it was so clean. For another it was sort of a welcomed return to the way of living that is so routine. Everybody has their things to do for the day but all the while each knows what the other is doing, all to come together for dinner and afterwards the watching of particular television programmes. But only so nice because I knew I was only visiting. It was cheering to see them so contented whilst knowing my life didnt have to be part of this predicatability; I could take the slippers off and go back to myself and my ways.
Sunday was split between the kitchen and Newbridge. The reading of the papers after breakfast, a visit to the musuem in Newbridge silverware, dinner and the talk after dessert. The silverware shop downstairs was a bit on the shiney side for my liking although I had a good old look in the book corner. Upstairs was a Musuem of Style Icons. I never would have expected it, nor expected it to be so good. There were clothes, photos, letters, scripts, general memorabilia, of stars of the past. There were four identical suits worn by the Beatles for their Hard Day's Night album. Grace Kelly. Marilyn Monroe. Judy Garland. Audrey Hepburn. Maureen O'Hara......... These women were beautiful. They were classic, they were ladies. Not the 'get your slap on and your tits out' idiotic types of today, the majority of whom seem to be famous for merely being famous. This girl parties in this place, this one got plastic surgery, this one was on a reality tv programme, this one
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