and why is it that in trying to spell the word calendar I can think only of colanders?
Ha ha ♥ drainage ♥ what a ridiculous thought
Well now, I'm in Paris and it's fashion week and if I was worth my salt I'd know what was going on with all the collections BUT I'm not because I've been slowly losing interest in the high-fashion-world over the recent past and have instead developed a preoccupation with school, work, art, books, exploring, learning, smoking, talking, writing emails and other general stuff which lives little time for much else, especially trying to keep up with something that changes faster and more frequently than the weather... Nonetheless I went along to the secondary school in my neighbourhood the other evening because the Kenzo fashion show was on and we wanted to have a look-see. Standing outside were hoards of people; your regular onlookers, some somebody-or-others, photographers etcetera and despite my best efforts to be all nonchalant and French and whatnot I gave myself away by having a not-as-cool-or-subtle-as-I-really-should-have-been "OMFG" moment when I saw Ivan Rodic.
Then, when I had duly composed myself, we were standing back watching the crowds, Alice and myself having a laugh at the overly-dressed, I-spend-way-too-much-time-trying-to-look-like-I-just-threw-together-any-old-outfit-because-I-take-myself-way-too-seriously-and-I'm-really-just-here-in-the-hope-of-getting-noticed people getting their photo taken by various bloggers and peeps from the media, Mr Rodic came over and asked if he could take a photo of my shoes. HA. Haaaaaaa!!!! He talked to me *swoon... Ah he's only gorgeous... But alas the picture didn't make the cut to the website. BOO.

But he took one of Thomas that did (pfth, not half as cool as my feet) :

The following afternoon we went to les Jardins de Tuileries for the Chloe fashion show. A beautiful sunny afternoon, perfect for sitting in a beautiful park and looking at beautiful people. Because there were hundreds of extremely well dressed folk there, well I guess it was Chloe after all. So whilst playing a Where's Wally game of Spot the Celebrity, who did I spy with my little eye? Haaaaa Mr Rodic!!! Cue throwing of caution to the wind and scrambling across the gravel to sneak up behind him whilst he was photographing:

and then putting on my best and most polite accent I said "excusez-moi de vous deranger..." Cue my face turning into one immensely giant retarded grin the likes of which the Cheshire Cat would be envious of, him sweeping his fingers through his hair, wrapping his other arm around me, and smiling for the camera. I skipped away from the ensuing small talk like some sort of silly starstruck school girl and now all I have to do is wait to finish my film and wait for it to develop it and then oh then I'll have a photo worth keeping. So that was my first proper encounter with a famous person (serving coffee to Conan O'Brien doesn't count dut to my having no idea who he was) and it was closely followed by my thinking I saw Bill Cunningham, but I couldn't be sure, it could have just been an old man with a camera making the most of the occasion... Then Grace Coddington ran past in a flurry of huge red hair, sweeping black cloak, and hurrying minions, and I caught a sketch of her in flight

Yes... well... um... fashun... xoxo... time flies when you're having fun...